Judy says:

Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could respond to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand. Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and that your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.


Email for Judy can be sent to:



For snail mail, write to:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040


Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


The webguy says:

We try to acknowledge all notes that include an email address. If you don’t hear back in a week or so, maybe there was a mistake in your email address. Please try again. Thanks.

Ideas? Suggestions? Something to share? Want to say hi?

Just click the "Add Your Message" button. You can also send a private message, but no links can be included.

(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)

Hometown: scurry - Posted January 21, 2013 3:59 pm


im doing a report on you and i was wondering why did you start writing?

Hometown: coaldale - Posted January 21, 2013 3:14 pm


you are an awesome auther

i love your fudge books

how do you do such awesome work.do you write all your books all by your sellf

Hometown: coaldale AB - Posted January 21, 2013 3:11 pm


hey judy,i love ypur books i have read frecle juice and tails of forth grade nothing. they are awesome. i am tring to be like you and write my own stories. do you have fun writeing your books.like books can you annwser now please

Hometown: coaldale - Posted January 21, 2013 3:07 pm


hey judy!!!!!i love your fudge books (tails of a forth grade nothing!)you r so much fun!!!!!!


Hometown: Greencastle - Posted January 21, 2013 1:25 pm


Dear Judy,
I am doing a report on you for school! There are so many things you share with everyone, its so amazing! I remember when i read the Fudge series, and now i know why it was created now!!! It is so interesting to go back and read a book or 2 of yours and actually understand what you were saying! You write so true to life and its very inspiring! I hope to become a writer someday! (:

Hometown: bridgeport - Posted January 19, 2013 9:31 pm


dear judy blume,i am a big fan of your books and i am the most fan of the book fudge-a-mania.i am 9 years old.and let me tell you why i love your book fudge-a-mania is because fudge wants to marry sheila and jimmy fargo is shocked,sheila and peters house is connected and they have to share the living room and kithen together.but the book i am wanting to read is freakle face and double fudge!i really hope you get to read this letter because your my favorite author and i love you!(not that kind of love.) your friend,kayla h. p.s. why in fudge-a-mania does I.S.A.F. stand for, i swallowed a flie?

Hometown: harlem - Posted January 19, 2013 6:21 pm


hi my name is lilly i read tales of a fourth grade nothing and it is just the best book i read yet

Hometown: garland - Posted January 18, 2013 9:20 pm


hi i have not started a book but heard that it is good please write back soon

Hometown: ct - Posted January 17, 2013 7:21 pm


dear judyblume

how are you i love your books the one that i love the most is fudge a mania.my whole class is reading that book we all love that book

Hometown: Steubenville, Ohio - Posted January 17, 2013 4:17 pm


me and my class love your fudge books. my class and I
want you to make more fudge books and i have some ideas like fudge gets a pet and some body likes fudge oh and please write back thanks. love arable

Hometown: Phoenix, AZ - Posted January 16, 2013 9:40 pm

Sam B.

Your my favorite author, Judy. I've done many reports that you wrote. The problem is, I've written so many reports on you, and my next one is coming up. I need help, because I've only read books that you wrote, and I want you to write a new book, probably a new Fudge book. That would be awesome, since it's my favorite series. I also don't really any other books.

Hometown: Austin Texas - Posted January 16, 2013 10:20 am


Dear Judy,

I love your books and I am writing a report on you. I wanted to know, when did you start going by Judy Blume?


Hometown: Granville - Posted January 15, 2013 8:19 pm

Carmen Penelope

Judy- I am writing a report on Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret and why it was banned. Going back and rereading the book for my paper takes me back five years and makes me hopeful for the five years to come. I just wanted to say thank you for helping out so many people by writing these books, you really do change lives
Sincerely- Carmen Penelope

Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC - Posted January 15, 2013 4:51 pm


I just learned from my sister-in-law that this page exists -- I can't resist the chance to write a long overdue thank you note for writing books that shaped my life in such a wondrous way and, now, my daugher's. Your writing made the simplest things seem so special -- the way Margaret's mom placed her clothes for Rosh Hashana on her bed; the way Peter Hatcher and his family went out for lunch at Hamburger Hamlet and then went shopping in the city for shoes; the way Deenie's friends bought her a special, iridescent get-well gown; ... the list goes on The point is as a writer and a mother who once was a girl who grew up on a steady diet of your books, I owe you immense thanks!

Hometown: colombo - Posted January 14, 2013 9:52 am


Hi Judy,
I simply adore your books they are to die for..
Judy I was wondering if you could write book aput a girl who wears glasses and feels left out at times , most of the books i have read that you have written are about pretty girls and you know .. crushes,
but the girl i want you to write about is some or what different and suddenly her life changes when she take her glasses off...

Hometown: San Francisco - Posted January 13, 2013 12:07 pm

Kate G.

I love her combination of two books called BFF.
I also love her Fudge and sheila books.

Hometown: Bronx NY - Posted January 12, 2013 3:34 pm


Hey Judy,
Soooooo, um like how do you get these ideas? Like how do you make up your mind like whatever you write, you wanna put in the books. And Just saying your amazing, Your books I dont know how you get the idea's but its amazing. Message Back.

Posted January 12, 2013 3:25 pm


my question for you is when do you think you will stop writing, and I just read tales of a fourth grade nothing it is really good

Hometown: Arroyo Grande, Ca. - Posted January 12, 2013 2:00 pm

Kathleen Chelquist

Well, hello there sister! I had no idea I was going to contact you...until today. Until, I got the whisper. The same whisper that lovingly nudged me to start my blog. The name? "Are You There, Kathleen? It's Me, God." Just like you, I started writing just a year ago while my son was in pre-school. Now, one year later, I have been asked to be a "Contributor," on Mastin Kipp's site, "THE DAILY LOVE." Oprah had him on her show, "SUPER SOUL SUNDAY," just a few months ago. I hired myself as his, "Daily Commenter," and I am on my way. Hopefully, just like you! I am in the process of building my website, but for now...my humble blog will do. Why? Because the information is PRICELESS! I am REAL, RAW, and REVEALING with hopes that my reader will choose to see... I Am Them And They Are Me. I am a cancer THRIVER as well, and I hope you find my writings to be a comfort to you as you go through the "what is" of life. With ALL my heart, I sincerely appreciate you and of course...Margaret. I wrote a blog about her. She was born the year I was born- -1970. I am sure you will see, we had a lot in common. I inherently knew she would be with me forever. And now, my blog is inspired by her. By you. Please know you are in my prayers. Lovingly, Kathleen... are-you-there-kathleen-its-me-god.blogspot.com/

Hometown: Perryman - Posted January 12, 2013 11:18 am


I just finished reading "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." I absolutely love it!!! You should make a book two for this one. My reading class is tryin to get a book club together and read this book with the girls. Thanks for such a good book!

Hometown: Alabaster - Posted January 11, 2013 8:35 pm


Hello, Mrs. Blume! I admire your great writing skills because I know no one who could write that well. I'm trying to write my own book but I am not good at staying at one thing too long. Do you have any tips? I would be honored to hear them. Thank you for your wonderful books! - Abi

Hometown: LeMars, Iowa - Posted January 11, 2013 3:40 pm

Third Grade class Kluckhohn School

We love your books, especially the Fudge books. We have an idea. Uncle Feather should be a girl and she should lay an egg and the baby bird should be called Baby Feather. If Uncle Feather is not a girl, then maybe he should get married and then there would be an Aunt Feather, too plus the new Baby Feather.
Keep writing. We love your books.

Hometown: Banning - Posted January 11, 2013 3:36 pm

Mrs. Warner's 8th Grade Class

Hi Judy,

We love your books! They inspire us! They are fun! They are full of wonderous stories. They are funny! Our favorite books are: Debbie - Fudge, Jesus, Once Upon a Fudge and Otherwise Known as Sheila The Great, Norelly - Otherwise Known As Sheila The Great, Cindy - Otherwise Known as Sheild the Great, and Gilbert - Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great. Thank you so much for creating interesting stories and fun books that make reading fun!
Mrs. Warner's Class

Hometown: london - Posted January 10, 2013 6:11 am


How tall are you?

Hometown: Bowie, MD - Posted January 9, 2013 3:47 pm


Hi, I'm Ellery. I really like your series of books about Fudge. It's always one silly adventure after another. My brother and I thought of a new book for your series: Fudge starts taking karate lessons and the book is about all the trouble that ensues. My brother and I came up with the name "Megafudge".

Hometown: smithfeild - Posted January 9, 2013 12:51 pm


Do you have any new books coming out? My favorite books of yours is the forth grade nothing. If you cant get me back its ok.

Posted January 8, 2013 9:30 pm

Julie Hartman

Elkhorn Middle School would like to create a link from our library web page to the Judy Blume homepage. Our district requires that we obtain permission for all of our links. Thank you in advance for responding to our request.

Julie Hartman
Elkhorn Middle School
Elkhorn, NE

Hometown: Huitzuco,Mexico - Posted January 8, 2013 7:48 pm


Judy I love your book Tales Of the fourth grade nothing I've only read 4 chapters and i love it.<3

Hometown: Fenton, MO - Posted January 8, 2013 12:23 pm

Mrs. J

Dear Ms. Blume,
Our class just finished reading Fudge-a-mania. We loved it! We liked the part when the family went to Maine for the summer. We don't usually like to read but we love your books because they are humorous and they are enjoyable to read.
Please keep writing!
We would like to know if you would consider using our names in your next book? Forever in Fiction!
Thank you for writing for kids,
Mrs. J's 4th Grade Reading Group

Hometown: Gridley, CA - Posted January 6, 2013 7:04 pm

Meredith First

I just wanted to say thank you. You inspired me to be a writer when I was 13 years old and I just published my first novel, GRIDLEY GIRLS.


I thanked you in the acknowledgements and would love to send you a copy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Hometown: Raleigh NC - Posted January 4, 2013 8:27 pm


Hi Judy! I love your books my favorites so far are are you there god? its me margret tiger eyes and the fudge series. I would love if you write more. I have also heard that you have breast cancer, and i hope you get better. can you write a sereis about a kid getting bullied and what he goes through? Thanks! yours truly, April

Hometown: San Diego - Posted January 4, 2013 6:43 pm


Hi Judy,

You may not remember me, but my name is Caryl and my 9-year-old son, Tristan, died 5 years ago. You were kind enough to send "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" (Tristan's favorite book) to all of his classmates to remember him by. We all love you and your books and are praying for your health and recovery. Please add an update to your blog when you can to let us know how you are doing. You are, and always have been, such an inspiration to me and to the tons of other fans you have. Blessings to you!

Hometown: Fawley - Posted January 4, 2013 1:55 pm

Caitlyn W.

Hi Judy, I just wanna say that I love your books. My mum was telling me how when she was 11 she read all your books. so she brought me one of your books, so I sat down and read it and when I read its I was mind blown. so I brought all your books and sat down and read them and i just kept reading them over and over and I was not bored. I perticually love fudge, and are you there god it's me Margaret. I can not wait until you bring more mind blowing books just like the ones you have published. Your subjects are really fascinating especially when your worried about stuff you can't talk to any one not even your friends. I also am considering being a writer my self and you have gave me some thoughts and good ideas, so in a few years when we are great friends I will be a writer and we will be texting each other on you blog. Thank you so much for your thought.

Hometown: now-columbus,oh,born & raised in bronx,ny - Posted January 3, 2013 12:21 pm


My 1st story/chapter book I ever read was Are you there god,it's me margaret.It started my love of reading,your books & others.I got my 15yo son reading your books too.Because of you I always wanted to write books.If I ever do,my 1st novel will be dedicated to you,my inspiration. forever your fan,michele.

Hometown: Toronto - Posted January 3, 2013 11:43 am


Judy, I am embarrassed to say that I have never read any of your books; however, as a Middle School teacher in Canada, I know how much of a positive impact that your books have had on students. I attempted my first fantasy novel for young adults last May and I seem to love to write as much as you. Thanks for your contribution to literature.

Hometown: Kingston, NH - Posted January 1, 2013 5:23 pm

Cassandra C.

Hey, Judy.
I just wanted to let you know how much I love your books. My mom showed them to me and now I'm hooked, I've read every one I've found and I'm always looking for once I haven't read. I don't think I could chose a favorite but I love Tiger Eyes, Deenie, and Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herslef.
You write about such great subjects, many that a lot of kids worry about and can't confront them.
I plan on becoming a writer myself so you a big influence to me. Thanks so much.

Hometown: Wales - Posted December 31, 2012 12:58 pm

Smiler ayj

Dear judy Blume ,

I have written something on here before but I love yor books!


I am 11 and I really adore your idea about writing.

Because you write things that goes through girls minds , when I read your books It reminds me about some things that happened to me , so your books have helped me appreciate my family & friends more than I did .

I have read all the fudge books ,Sally j freedman as herself,are you there god its me Margaret , blubber.

And I would love to read all of the books you have written .

So I just want to say thank you, for writing such amazing books.

My mum has read all your books and they has made her who she is now.

From Smiler

Hometown: texas - Posted December 31, 2012 12:51 pm


first i love your books they are awesome i like the most are fudge a mania and tales of a fourth grade nothing double fudge are teacher in 4 grade told us about you and read your books can you make more please you are awesome JUDY BLUME of fudge the characters that i liked was fudge sheila joane jimmy by

Hometown: pearl river ny - Posted December 30, 2012 10:16 pm

annie kate

i love tales of a fourth grade nothing . i think its so funny . it has its said parts, funny parts and happy parts

Hometown: Lewistown - Posted December 30, 2012 6:18 pm


I love your books so much you are the best athour i know

Olivia M.

Hometown: morton,IL - Posted December 30, 2012 1:27 pm


I love Judy Blume. At our school, we have to do a living author report and out of all authors, I picked her. She is so awesome and I hope she writes more books so i can read them......... LOVE JUDY BLUME

Hometown: Massachusetts - Posted December 29, 2012 10:28 pm


Hi Ms. Blume!
I know you have so many letters to read. I really appreciate it if you are ACTUALLY reading this right now! You are the reason I began writing in the first place! And I love it so much! I've always thought up little stories in my head and getting them down onto paper is amazing! If maybe you could read one of my stories some time... Maybe give me some feedback...that would be GREAT! Though I totally understand it if you are too busy! Thanks you so much, Ms. Blume! I really hope you have read this!
Carley D.

Posted December 29, 2012 4:58 pm


When my best friend since 6th grade was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2011, at the age of 37, I went into a Judy Blume regression reading frenzy, wishing to recapture those days when we were so innocent, but outgrowing it! Your books allowed us to talk about all of the changes and desires we were encountering while letting us know that we were not the only ones...from Margaret, to Forever, to Wifey...you were with us all the way. My best friend has been successfully treated for her breast cancer, and my mother has been recently diagnosed. I turn to you again, but alas, no newly published books! So I read your blog, and am met with the story of your own battle with the Big "C". Just like everything else, you deal with the subject with realism, heart, and humor. I am sorry that you had to go through this, but am convinced that God put you on this earth so that none of us "girls" would ever go through the tough stuff alone. You have been an inspiration and a comfort to me throughout my whole life, and I want you to know that my prayers are with you, and I am grateful for your courage and your work!

Hometown: philadelphia - Posted December 28, 2012 7:19 pm


My class has been reading "Tales of a 4th grade nothing". I LOVE Fudge. I can't believe he lost his teeth and cut off his hair. He messes up a lot like the project they were doing,but he is still the most funny boy ever!!!!!

Hometown: Christansburg - Posted December 28, 2012 2:29 pm


I am writing a report on my top favorite authors and I chose you to write about. Is there any information that you could give me on your writing experiences through out your ife?

Hometown: USA Bronx NY - Posted December 26, 2012 9:43 am


Hi Judy, I have read alllll of your books. I even read the interviews in the back. How do you come up with all of these ideas? Your Halarious world of Fudge is awesome. Your a really good writer. Hope to here from you soon.

Sincerely Kiersten

Hometown: New York - Posted December 25, 2012 10:51 pm


I was reading "Are you there God, its me Margaret" in the 90s while it was recess and a teacher tried to stop me and she started talking about that this book is inappropriate but i thought that was wrong because books give you knowledge and what book gives you bad ideas? none. So i say that that book was great. My daughter Kristi who is the only girl in the family started reading Super fudge, Freckle juice and blubbler loves the books and she says buy more of Judy Blume like grandma did for you.
I can't stop her. She's buying 5 books a day and 3 of them are written by you. So i say Write more Books!

Hometown: Teaneck - Posted December 24, 2012 8:46 pm


Do you have any plans to write more Pain and the Great Ones books? I really like them.

Hometown: pokipsie - Posted December 24, 2012 5:54 pm


i luv your book fudgeamania!!!!! its soooooo funnnnny.

Hometown: Fishkill - Posted December 24, 2012 7:58 am


I just wanted to add that when you read your books I remember that I've sometimes had the same feelings.Like most children's authors,you reeeeeally know kids.You also inspired me to write my own book.

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