Judy says:

Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could respond to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand. Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and that your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.


Email for Judy can be sent to:



For snail mail, write to:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040


Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


The webguy says:

We try to acknowledge all notes that include an email address. If you don’t hear back in a week or so, maybe there was a mistake in your email address. Please try again. Thanks.

Ideas? Suggestions? Something to share? Want to say hi?

Just click the "Add Your Message" button. You can also send a private message, but no links can be included.

(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:26 am


Dear Judy Blume, I have a few questions. Do you like writing books? Is writing books easy or hard?Do you have a hard time writing books?I think that your books are really good.I wish I could writing books to.

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:23 am


Dear Judy Blume. Can you write a book called Jawuane And His family/ You are a cool author.

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:21 am


Why did you have books

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:21 am


I LOVE Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing! Can you make a book about me as Fudge's older sister?

Hometown: Easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:20 am


I really like your books.I think your books are wonderful.Do you write picture books?

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:20 am

kayla k

Why did you wright freckle juice an tails of a fourth grade nothing? by kayla. k.

Hometown: easton pa - Posted September 27, 2012 11:19 am


What is your favorite book you ever wrote

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:18 am


What made you like to write books for kids

Hometown: Easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:17 am


how many more books are you going to make

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:16 am


I like your books very much.Are you going to write more Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing?That is one of my favorite books.

Hometown: Easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:16 am


I like reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Freckle Juice.It was funny how sharon tricked Andrew.

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:15 am


Hi Judyblume if you ask me how im doing im doing fine so i wanted to ask you if i could have all your books? And can i help make some books? Also if you have a freckle juice recipe?

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:15 am


can you come to Paxinosa elementry.

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:13 am


Hi judy Blume my name is justin.I read your two books freckle juice and tales of a fourth grade nothing i have to say those are very good books.

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:13 am


Why do u have books

Hometown: easton - Posted September 27, 2012 11:06 am


can you come to paxinosa elementry.

Hometown: Baltimore - Posted September 26, 2012 10:38 am

Jacqueline Hope

Thank you, thank you, thank you! The materials and letter of acknowlegement was greatly appreciated. You are truly blessed. I pray that you continue to do what you do for children as well as adults in your writing. As an educator and older adult, you have inspired me to do want to write. Again, thank you for responding. Take care and may God contuinue to bless you in all that you put your hands to do.

Hometown: St. Petersburg, FL - Posted September 25, 2012 9:02 pm


I came to your website for an assignment on children's literature. Clicking through the pages distracted me from doing my homework and I found myself focusing instead on all the great times I had reading your books. (Oops!)
I especially enjoyed your "On writing" pages. They were very motivating for this future author! I cannot wait to share my stories with the world.
Thank you so much for your books! They are amazing!

Hometown: Westwood - Posted September 25, 2012 7:31 pm


Dear Mrs. Blume,
I really like the fudge series. They are wicked funny. I just think you should write more of them. I was thinking that you could fast forward to when Fudge's is all grown up. You could call it Fudge in 20 years and he's like Jim Carey. He would be really funny.
From Kieran O. AkA K-dog

Posted September 25, 2012 3:48 pm


Dear Judy,

I LOVE your book Tales of a Fourth Grade nothing! That book was so funny. My favorite character is Fudge.

Posted September 25, 2012 3:46 pm


Dear Mrs. Bloom
I think your Fudge series is amazing I have all the books in the series and they again amazing they have been passed down from generation to generation and are still in perfect condition and next is Tyler.

Hometown: Tucson AZ - Posted September 25, 2012 3:41 pm


Judy Blume could you make a story about when Peters cousin comes and they go to jail? Anyway make a new fudge book!

Posted September 25, 2012 3:35 pm


Dear Judy,

What made you want to write books did an another author inspire you to write books the way you do?

Your Friend,

Hometown: New York - Posted September 25, 2012 3:34 pm


Hi Judy what year did you started righting books.

Posted September 25, 2012 3:28 pm


hi I think i have read fudge-a-mainia but I can't be certain. It is very hot here in tucson I used to live in Wichita Kansas I have been in two tornados and they had one last year. I just moved here. I really want to read all the Fudge books lots of people in my class have read the Fudge books.

Posted September 25, 2012 3:25 pm


How many books have you made in your whole life?

Hometown: AZ - Posted September 25, 2012 3:23 pm


I've just finished Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It must be hard to take care of Fudge! It's so cool how you just took the idea from real life! When will your next book come out?

Posted September 25, 2012 3:22 pm


Hi Judy!
For language arts we were reading tales of a forth grade nothing.
I loved it! I have 2 little sisters so i know how it feels.When will you write more fudge books? My favorite book is Double Fudge.Thank you!

Posted September 25, 2012 3:20 pm


Dear Judy,
I think your books are very very funny, like when Fudge wanted to buy Toys R Us and made his own currency in: Double Fudge also in Tales of a 4th grade nothing when Jenny peed on the floor also when she had a biting problem.Which book out of all your books that you have written is the funniest because; I want to read it.

Hometown: Tucson - Posted September 25, 2012 3:17 pm


Hi Judy,
I just want to say I love your books!!!!!!!!
Especially Tales of a 4th grade nothing. I just have a brother like Fudge. I always get in trouble like Peter but not my brother. I just loved it!!!
Thank you so much.

Posted September 25, 2012 3:17 pm


Dear Judy,
Your books are the funniest books ever! Fudge is my favorite character. What interested you in writing a book about the toddler who swallowed the turtle? i can't wait to read all of your books!
Your Fan,
Libby <3

Posted September 25, 2012 3:17 pm


I liked Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, because one Fudge ATE Dribble, two I love realistic fiction, and three I like crazy people.

Hometown: Tucson, Arizona - Posted September 25, 2012 3:17 pm


Dear Judy,
You are a great author. You're the reason why I love writing and I wish that I could meet you. If we met maybe you can teach me some...secrets about writing. Was petting the "roos" fun? I wish you could respond but I don't have an ema- Wa wa wa!

Posted September 25, 2012 3:15 pm


How did you come to think of how to thin about how to write a book so that other kids do not eat turtles

Hometown: tucson AZ - Posted September 25, 2012 3:10 pm


Have you ever based a story about you or somebody you knew?


Hometown: tucson - Posted September 25, 2012 3:09 pm


Hi Judy my mom is a big fan of your books.She wants me to start reading some I have already read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. What else should i start to read?

Hometown: tucson AZ - Posted September 25, 2012 3:05 pm


Did you put yourself in any of your books?

Hometown: montgomery - Posted September 24, 2012 10:02 pm


DEAR JUDY BLUME,hello my name is BRIAUNNA JULIUS i'm a big fan of you're books my class is now reading tales of a fourth grade nothing peter and fudge are my favorite character because first is just like me cause i have a little brother also he is bad on some points of base but, i still love him that's my brother of course fudge seem like he is so good but he is so bad but when you're reading a book you have to read like you're in the book you're books are amazing JUDY BLUME you keep living the life and when i read the comments of you're fans, they said that you had cancer if that's true i hope you get better and JUDY you're a hero you keep living the life hope you get better love briaunna !!!!

Hometown: Furlong - Posted September 24, 2012 8:19 pm


i llllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee super fudge

Hometown: new york - Posted September 24, 2012 6:06 pm



Hometown: ElDorado - Posted September 24, 2012 5:53 pm


hey Judy it is lauren once again i wanted to say you are doing a great job at writing books so i am trying to say keep up the good work and keep making good books.

Hometown: Trenton - Posted September 24, 2012 5:01 pm


Judy,please know you're in my thoughts and prayers!Iam 35 now,and I still have the copy of "Letters To Judy:What Kids Wish They Could Tell You" that you sent me when I was 15.I still have all your books.Norm and I never got married,we were'nt supposed to last "Forver" you could say.For a little over 2 and a half years now I've been with Steve.Will Steve and I last "Foever"?Time is the teller of all good things Steve says to me!<3

Hometown: Tucson, Arizona - Posted September 24, 2012 4:12 pm


Judy, I just finished your book, Tales of a fourth Grade Nothing, and I was wondering, does Judy Blume make any mystery books?
Then I learned about your website and I saw all of your books in the Fudge series and Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great seemed like a mystery book. I didn't include my email address because I'm still a kid! But I wish you could respond to me. Eron

Hometown: Texas - Posted September 24, 2012 3:37 pm


WOW Judy Blume how do you come up with all these books!I like the books about Fudge.He's really funny!

Hometown: Charles Town - Posted September 24, 2012 11:32 am


I just finished the first book that i have ever read of yours. Forever... it made me so mad at the end when she didnt pick the guy i wanted her to. I love story about relatoinships. I will be reading alot more of your books. My mom said she grew up reading them. I couldn't even put it down.

Hometown: lake villa ill - Posted September 23, 2012 4:07 pm


I have read all of your fudge books and I think you should write more and why did you have the parents have another baby I think it was an awsome unespected twist? where did you come up with it? you are my favorite auther I actully live in wonder lake Ill and my school,harrison, read tales of a fourth grade nothing together. My grandpa drove me all the way to Liberty Ville to get me all of your books I have read two of them since then and i got them /9/22/12 its 1/23/12 anyway I love your books so keep writting and I'll keep buying and reading,thanks emma.

Hometown: brooklyn - Posted September 23, 2012 12:53 pm


Dear Judy Blume,
Hello, how are you? My name is Tristan. I am in Fourth Grade. I live in Brooklyn, NY. I enjoyed your book fudge-a-mania because it was funny. My favorite part was chapter 8, fudge-a-mania. I was wondering if you would mind answering a few questions. 1. Will you make more Fudge books? 2. Do you know someone like Fudge? 3. Do you know someone that ate a turtle? 4. Are the books based on your life? 5. Is Juicey- O real? 6. Do you have a brother who wants to make his own dollar? 7. Did you or will you make a movie for all the books? 8. Does the I.S.A.F. club ever have a meeting? 9. Do they ever see Isobel again? 10. Do they ever see Mitzi again, if they don't, can you write a book where they meet again?

Sincerely, Tristan

Hometown: nj - Posted September 22, 2012 9:40 pm


i cant believfe you have breast cancer.you are actully one of my fave authors.hey do you remeber me and my cuz ciara well i hope they find alot of cures.i hope they find somthing for my sis who has seizures for ever and she missed one whole school year thats why i dont have much because my mom cant go to work and alot of people dont care when she has seizures.well i wish the best for everybody

Hometown: nj - Posted September 22, 2012 4:09 pm


If you write another book will you name it One More Baby

Hometown: brooklyn - Posted September 22, 2012 10:45 am


hey judy,
in my class im reading one of your books Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing.It is hilarious!Even though this is the first book that i read from you and even though i didnt finish i think your other books will be spectacular! from emily

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